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sweet sweet heart heart

oh oh oh oh.
nuthing much to say bout the headings.
: currently listening to america's sweetheart by Fall Out Boy
woke up at 12.00pm. thanx to fatt for trying so hard to open the door.
well of course terjaga. mcm org nak pecahkan pintu.
if not confirm confirm la bangun sangattt lah lambat.
ahaha.. silap silap maghrib?gile gile gile
the flashmans ajak g alamanda.
what for? muvee?
ehem ehem. nak nak ikot ikot
tapi tapi duwet oh duwet kemanakah kaw menghilang.
ntah. not sure. sbab chan just called.
saying that he wants to drop by to take the BRADY.
herm herm. mama told me that she will bring food food food
suka suka tak payah kua duwet harini yeah!
nak taknak kena tunggu dorg dulu. bwu ley decide either ikot
the flashmans or not.
mungkin korang tertanye sapekah mereka mereka yang dimaksudkan.
the flashmans and the flashgirls.
nanti nantilah makcek eskrim bgtau. okeyh?
nak mandi. nak mandi.
tata. later yea.

output otakku ; girang terbayang lauk mama bawak! hahaha
cheers ;)



flashman merah said…
ehem2 sbagai ktua kmpulan flashman
sy dgn ini mngisytiharkan
makcek eskim sbagai flashman kuning (tepukan gemuruh)
s a r e e z a said…
time kaseh time kaseh
wahai flashman merah!
hait hait.
sedia membantu.

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