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are u brand conscious?

i have something to share,
well, here it is.

"Brand Conscious Among Teenagers"
Teenagers nowadays becoming brand conscious most probably because of their upbringing.There are parents with high income who spend a big amount of money just to buy a pair of trainers for their children.They are free to spend coz that's their money and we got nothing to do with dat ;) we just watch and learn je lahh kan? gaah.. Maybe they wanted the best for their children, yelaaah,, branded stuffs kan more comfy and last longer than yang cikai, ryte? At the end, their childrens nk a cup of coffee pon nk kena pergi Starbucks! , dah taknak mamak2 nie,, ;O
Next, high cost of living in certain areas also affects the teenagers jadi brand conscious.Are u agree with that?hrmp,, for me,, people living in an urban city ni lain sket, up-to-date laah kunun,, kn2? compared yang stay kat kampung2 sket tuh. This is b'coz they are accessible to the megamalls.. padan laahh ~ huh.. Besides, they earn more. Let say, a teenager like me receives se'bundle' duwet.. Tunggu ape lagi kaann,, shopping laa, alang2 da dapat duwet byk, shopping lah kat tempat mahal2 kn, lagi2 brg2 branded yang tgh HOT zaman skarang! :D
Jap2,, but there r some yang bukan from family yang kaya raya pon demand gak. tul x? They become brand conscious just to show off to people especially to their friends.berlagak laah kunun,Klau tak berkemampuan tu chill je laah kan. bkan nak kutuk, just,, dorang tak yah la nak nyusahkan diri tak mkn bagai,semata2 nk belagak dgn handbag Liz Claiborne, n Shades Gucci die kat member2.."bru ley jd HOT STUFF kn". tu contoh je, takde kena mengena dgn yang hidup ataupn yang tlah mati. okeh! i dare to say this coz i have a friend,,lupe lak wut's her name. She's willing not to eat for two weeks to save her pocket money just to buy a bottle of 75ml limited edition perfume. Gagah kan mereka? impressed~
tutup cerita;
dahhh,, sudah2,, mls dah nk mrepek krepek di malam nan terang ini,, hahah...
honestly, saya, empunya blog ini pon brand-conscious juga,, i go for brands for my own satisfaction, for fun and saya suke life sebegitu rupa! sangat seronok rasanye! quality tuh penting, bai. ley pkai lame sket; lenjan trainers baru [bau kedai pn tak ilang lagi] maen lecak time2 hujan pon tadahal lah,, ;P even im a brand concious person pon, i chill out at mamak's restaurant taw. sesape yg tak high demand, (manelah tawu kan,asik2 ajak lepak kat cafe jeh kan), calling2 lah saye! ;)
brand conscious? naah, some people are just like that.
"just terima dan senyum. okeh?"
selamat berpuase semua~
comment please. ;)
'actually ni assignment'
;) cheers
output otakku ; riang ria sambil mendengar lagu kesukaan saya~


nabila aqila said…
help with what actually?? hehehe
i brand conscious gak ;) hahaha
s a r e e z a said…
haha,, u bg je opinion psl brand conscious among teenagers~ anything,, bagus ke, tak bagus ke, effects ke,, anything ~ ;) thanx babe~
aming said…
smpai kelaut aku cri tmpt nk komen!!
jmpe gak,tp nk komen ap ek?
aku brand cnciuos gak kot,sbb tu bju mmbe2 yg agk kewl aku kebas..kjap je,da tobat..
Randy said…
Well, bg sy la kan, I REALLY hate branded stuff.. I mean, 4 girls ok la kot, sal mmg stylish, tp 4 guys i dun really like those expensive brands cam buaya ker polo ker coz the style is douchebaggy... but my mom kata nmpak matang so she keeps buying dem... although i can buy moar style 4 less with the same money... sigh~
***oh by the way cn u plz gimme ur email??? u knoe where 2 find me :)
nabila aqila said…
bagus ke tak tu depends on individual lah kan cause cm kalau tak de duit buat pe nak susah payah tak nak makan jadi bulimic sbb nak pakai barang mahal so that ppl will look up to you kan?? It's individuals opinion, some kate its for fun.. Some kate tak gune kan cause ade brand ke tak de brand ke same je.. but some kate its the pride ;) as for me, the branded stuffs are ALWAYS nicer and better and more eye catching than the nonbranded :) I don't think it has a bad effect cause slalu yg bad effect ni cause org tu terasa die low ke ape kan sbb tu die nak gak.. cause they look at branded stuff as a whole new thing like nak respect from people :) ok i think i dah out of topic! HAHAHA

love you!
XX ;)
nabila aqila said…
BTW why your assignment is so interesting?? I ENVY YOU!!! :(

nak tolong buat! :D HAHAHA
s a r e e z a said…
sila lah tolong,, i terima jer~
cpat2`,, haaa
dalilakadir said…
pracctice for ur muet?speaking test kan..i dual..sometimes i can b brand conscious..kadang2 x..
colorfewlish said…
hurrmmm..brnd conscious huh?let see...actually sumtymes alg go for brnded stuff gk but not most of da tyme..bkn pe,quality adalah sgt pnting ye..if kte bli brg yg cm agk mhal tp bguz,kte xrse rugi,alg xckp yg brg murah nih xbguz,ade gk yg,kte kne pndai jge laah..xsume brg2 yg mhal+brnded 2 bguz gk depends on how peep tkin' care of their own stuff actually..but,diulangi BUT (alg agree sgt2 pe yg awool tulis) sumtymes there are certain peep dat buy brnded stuff juz 2 show otherz how gewd they are,it doesn't mtter bout da price or dowg afford or x,it juz to maintain their,nk wt cmne kn dh dowg yg plih utk jd cmtu..hurmm..(pnjg sgt dh nih)..but wuteva it is,pkai jek pe yg kowg rse slesa+yg pling pnting bli ikut k'mmpuan kte coz alg cmtu..heheh~ done!;')

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