hey2,,hi there,, i just created a blog! lols,im so sEXcited!..heee,,well,, a friend of mine did introduce me bout this blog thingy like few months back,,,i was like eager to create one,, jz that didnt have time,, but now,here i am,,duhh,, what am i crapping shttt,,hrm,neway..im sareeza,, im not yet eighteen! lols,, :D.. studying in penang.. at penang matriculation college!! hrmm,,most of d time.. im quiet "chachat" especially with my psycho friends,,haha,,yea2.. its been 3 weeks since d last time i went back home! i miss my family especially shinchan.. dude, i miss u like hell,,mama n ayah,, i did miss u guys too,,huk2,, FYI, i was bitten by stupid bugs called "chali",, its actually d beetle rove,, i hate 'em so much,, they made me suffer like "only He knows"..haishh,, pity me,,hah!hrmm,,i think dats all for now,, he2,,gotta finish my works! "chemy report" which need to be submitted by 2 pm, tomorrow.. yeah,later guys.. :D
this is me!
i have something to share, well, here it is. "Brand Conscious Among Teenagers" satu ; Teenagers nowadays becoming brand conscious most probably because of their upbringing.There are parents with high income who spend a big amount of money just to buy a pair of trainers for their children.They are free to spend coz that's their money and we got nothing to do with dat ;) we just watch and learn je lahh kan? gaah.. Maybe they wanted the best for their children, yelaaah,, branded stuffs kan more comfy and last longer than yang cikai, ryte? At the end, their childrens nk a cup of coffee pon nk kena pergi Starbucks! , dah taknak mamak2 nie,, ;O dua ; Next, high cost of living in certain areas also affects the teenagers jadi brand conscious.Are u agree with that?hrmp,, for me,, people living in an urban city ni lain sket, up-to-date laah kunun,, kn2? compared yang stay kat kampung2 sket tuh. This is b'coz they are accessible to the megamalls.. padan laahh ~ huh.. Besides, t...
great 2 hear daat..
lets me c0nclude..
u r happy wif ur bel0ved chali bitten???
btw,, im happy tooo coz im goin back home dis friday babe!!
my sister got it too