hrmmm.. seriously,, im quite disappointed with my friends,, they were like bwat2 lupe my birthday,,hahha,, even my roomates! hanney and fiqa,, there were like an A4-sized paper infront of our room,,,stated our background infos which includes our birth dates!!n how cud they didnt wish my brthday dat nite?huh,, thnked God my family sang a birthday song for me,, at least,, the least is better than nothing ayte,,huhu,, its kinda weird coz all of them were like keep away from me except zetty,,hah,, last wednesday..during assembly,, while she was concentrating,, gossiping with dnie,, i took one of her sandal and put it inside my bag,, so,, she had to walk from assmbly ground to her room,,"berKAKI chicky"lalalalal,, serve u right! dat time,, ive instct dat she might plan sumthing for my bday!! :p... hahahah,,,,,, til friday,, nurul sareeza azidin was like acting cool,, yelah,, not a single soul pon wish kan,,, keras cam tugu negara je lah!!suddenly,, last night,, as i were busy listening to one of a good friend of mine's problems... ztea came to me,, drag me away from shazlin,, n started crapping!! saying tat she wants me to sleep at her room,, wanna watch some kinda muvee lah.. ape lah,, tbe2,, someone came from d back,, blind fold me with tudung!!! shhttt,, i knew this kinda suprise "wuteva party" would happen dat nite!!! dggfvefefefdh(^&$^*!!!!! cessss,,, they tied me at a pole,, spread a mixture of flour+curry powder+soy sauce+ water!! d smell was like shhitty!!!! seriously busyok gila weyh,,, mandi 2 kali pon tak hilang2 bau,, siod!! but,, its okay,, its worth it babes!! rambut keras cm kayu!! apadaaa,,,huk2.. after dat... we all ate "ayam KFC".. thnx to pak tam!! for helping them! komplot!!! cess,,, hik2,, burpp,, knyang oh itu mlm! lalala,, btw,, thanx to ztea,kakya,dally,eyda,azmira,dnie,mira,shimbay,ekin,bear, xiedot,capek,n my beloved roomates, hney n fiqa.. for d suprise party!! n not to forget,,pak tam!! heee,, luv u guys!!! mucho baby!!!!!! :D
i have something to share, well, here it is. "Brand Conscious Among Teenagers" satu ; Teenagers nowadays becoming brand conscious most probably because of their upbringing.There are parents with high income who spend a big amount of money just to buy a pair of trainers for their children.They are free to spend coz that's their money and we got nothing to do with dat ;) we just watch and learn je lahh kan? gaah.. Maybe they wanted the best for their children, yelaaah,, branded stuffs kan more comfy and last longer than yang cikai, ryte? At the end, their childrens nk a cup of coffee pon nk kena pergi Starbucks! , dah taknak mamak2 nie,, ;O dua ; Next, high cost of living in certain areas also affects the teenagers jadi brand conscious.Are u agree with that?hrmp,, for me,, people living in an urban city ni lain sket, up-to-date laah kunun,, kn2? compared yang stay kat kampung2 sket tuh. This is b'coz they are accessible to the megamalls.. padan laahh ~ huh.. Besides, t...
stinky smpai sni dohh..
u,faheen n i will celebtrate our belated together yeh?haha...
jamak trus...
luv u ♥
i admit!
mmg busyok gla kot,,
pedih mata den,,
celebrate together??
i miss u both kot! eishk...
pak tam askar ?