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d most unforgettable day! 'sigh'

Date: 18th april 2009
Time: 0815 hrs
Scene: KM18.1 NKVE [kota damansara-damansara]

At 2am,,
~i was busy packing my stuffs, dumped into a recycle bag, my parents are on their way, dat time they we're at SG.PERAK,,
~while waiting for them, i went down, asked kakya,azmira,shimbay to join me chill with aming,,
~chill for our last day :D
~en naim n en aaroong pon ade,, join skali... hik2 korang mmg best!
~borak2 till 3.30am,, shimbay! couldnt even open her eyes,, hahaha,,, chill la shimbay!... we decide to go back to our room..
~met bella and auji,,they just came back from sunway carnival,,, yeoowwww,,,
~chan! called,, he's saying dat get ready,, we r almost there,,
~ayte,, on our way,, yeah! kakya joined me to kl,,

at 4 am..
~dumped in our stuffs,,
~my roomie,fiqa n hanney were there,, plus azmira,shimbay,iqen,kerry n sofia..
~we hugged each other for d last time,,, shhht,, i hate dat feelings,,
~ T.T
~settled evrything, then we gerak,,, around 4.20..

at 6am,,
~at rest area Bukit Gantang,,
~breakfast, rest for a while..
~grak alek dlm kul 6.15

at 8am,,
~we're almost reached kl,,
~time tu, d thing happened.which almost sweeped out our lives,,,
~there were a trailer infront of our car,,
~suddenly, there was a "serpihan tayar lorry" in d middle of d road,, my dad was like trying to avoid from hitting d thing,, he turned d steer to d right,, which at dat time there was no other vehicles on dat lane, 1 km dpn blakang,,ayah tak sempat tarik balik,, sbab kete tu muncung pjg,, siud tul!,,baaaannngggg!!~ hamek! langgar railing divider tuh,,, time tu d infront tyre on driver's side lak sangkot kat railing tuh,, hampeh... tyre patah!!! plunk~.. 3 tyres left with d speed of d car 80km/h... i was sitting in d middle,at the backseat,, i saw, i heard everything!,,, tangan ayah menggegel weyh pegang steer wheel tuh,, nk control keta bertayar 3 tu,, axel pon confirm2 la patah en,, ayah drag keta tu without tkan break smpai kat emergency lane,, thnked God,, didnt hit even a single vehicles,,, seb baik keta tu mati on time,, pastu boom!~ airbag pon mletup sbelah chan... chan was sitting beside d driver's side... shiall,, bau time tu,, cam tebakar je doh,,, monolog dlmn.." bile la dunie aku nak gelap".. ne tawu enn,,, kete mletup ke kan,, tapi tak,,
alhamdulillah la,,, actually my mum sorg je yg m'jerit dlm keta,, chan,, tutop mate die rapat2, sbab die pikir ajal sampai,, i knal my dad,, he's very responsible person,, ayah ckp,, die pikir kitorang includes kakya ade dlm keta,, if not die takkan sanggup tahan drag keta tuh ke tepi,,huk2,,, alhamdulillah sume selamat,,, itu yg penting,,, ayah ckp keta hancuss,, takpe,, janji sume slamat,, walaupon saket tengok keta jd camtuh,,huk2,,, sila2 nengok gambau di bwh,,,



Randy said…
Hey, uh, u know who diz is, OMG i dunno what to saycozif ithav been me i wold've screamednadscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamedandscreamed... so i'm a wuss... so sue me :)
colorfewlish said…
erm,2la..tyme nih mmg t'kujat glozz...
t'igt alg tyme alg accdent dolu 2 tau...
alhmdulillah sume slmt kn...

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