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Showing posts from March, 2015

People and Life

People. They grow old They learn They change They move on You? Never grow old Never learn Never change Stand still where you are at initially You want to be that "you"? Definitely a NO. Learn how to accept people Learn how to share things with others Learn how to consider others Learn how to accept that we will never be perfect. Never. Because the syllabus of life will never ends. output otakku : Smile even there's so much pain deep inside.

Cut The Crap

Aku usaha untuk hubungi orang yang berkenaan untuk update status paling terkini. Demi aku. Aku bersembang dengan orang berkenaan untuk semak keputusan. Demi aku Oh , we didn't receive anything since last year. Demi siapa, masa depan aku atau engkau? Aku kontek kau untuk tanyakan hal sebenar Demi aku Kau persoalkan soalan aku Demi kau Niat aku untuk diri sendiri, bukan untuk kau. Harap tak terperasan. output otakku : Gotcha!